Given this new trend of today. Technologies continuously developed as years passed by. More often, every individual especially the teenagers as well as the professionals captivated their minds in need this part of luxury that turns to necessity.
In teaching-learning process as I've experienced being a student teacher, it really helps me a lot. It makes my projects or task made fast and easy especially when it comes to broad informations. Everything almost made me possible by it.
Somehow. it made as a tool for the teacher in making their discussion. It goes with the new trend to make the students catch then their attention for a frustrated long discussion. By this, it's a way around to make some ideal inputs be presented to a real one. I've realized how important it is for it clearly illustrate some things that can't be simply presented visibly. However, if there are some technical error occurs such as no electricity, still the efforts still useless. That's why, I always not depend on the technologies that brought tool in education.
The fact that we can't stick to one. it is a mean for myself, for the other future teachers and teachers as well to mix the traditional and integrated technologies in the teaching and learning process to make it more MEANINGFUL, EFFECTIVE and EFFICIENT.
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